Hi blog readers.. Its been raining 4 the last couple of days.. Schools n Colleges are closed.. (My guess. I donno.. I’m not goin to college..lolz).. So it’s a lazy Sunday?(or Saturday??) afternoon.. and I’m sitting in front of my comp like a like a declod pregnant cat on a porch swing, idly swodding at flies... So here I am.. updating my blog.. I hope u’v read my previous post.. if u haven’t, may b u should go check out.. Cos, basically I don’t want any f my post to go unread :) ..lolz..
Ok, so coming to this post.. as the title might suggest, its not something involving too much profanity.. rather, its about this funny ( damn funny) incident that happed during my days in school hostel… the lead characters in the story: Mr ‘B’ and ‘The Ashish’.. and it all begins like this..
The above thing is sort f a rough representation of my room..(I donno y I drew it.. not that necessary..mayb after 20yrs when im reading this, it’ll bring back sweet memories of some of the best days of my life.. :) ) so this is wat happed.. Mr B, ( don’t wanna mention his name..guy from the next room).. had a gift from his galfrnd… it was a ceramic thing. Wat is called?? A small thing, a boy and gal holding eachother… I donno the exact word 4 it.. u’ll find lot f this stuff in fancy store shelves.. hope u got it.. so, he had this thing given by his galfrnd and he had kept it on top of the shelf.. ( y did he keep something with so much emotional value in our room?? Victoria’s secret..lolz..i donno).. one fine day, around 5 in the evening, me and ashish were sitting in our bed.. and asish was searching for his pen..hold on..fact no.101: Ashish’s pouch never run’s out of pens and pencils.. how? This is how..after the school gets over, and all the students leave the school, he goes all around the school, into each and every classroom, and brings back anything that he gets his hands on.. sometimes when I don’t have a pen, I used to join him in his ‘hunting’(as the process was widely know in the hostel)..shhhh..now this is a secret.. during one of our hunting, we got our hands on a key.. that night, we went and tried the keys on each and every door that was locked.. chemistry lab, physics lab, staffroom, library and BRAVO!!! Computer lab opened.. that day onward we used to enter the lab with our pillows and bedsheets at 12 or 1am..switch on the AC..sleep there till 5 in the morning..then getup, switchoff the AC, sneak back into our rooms..i even spoiled some comps..hehehe..no physical damage, but i fucked around in the Windows/System32 folder..hehehe..it was like adventure every day.. lolz.. coming back to the main story, ashish was desperate to find his pen.. he was furiously scanning and all the selves and in the process, knocked the ceramic thing down and broke it into 2 pieces..and the best part.. that thing broke vertically, separating the boy and the gal…(ouch…painful !!)..he bent down and picked up both the pieces, he was scared to his balls cos B would screw him if he found out( B is almost twice of ashish’s size).. and the worst thing happened.. B came in… caught ashish red handed.. u can imagine wat happed next.. Both got into a big argument.. bla bla bla.. after like 15 mins of verbal dishum dishum, B told him “ I donno wt ya gonna do, I wan2 c this thing fixed in 10mins..”..
Obeying his orders, ashish bot some feviquick.. that 5 rupees pack.. OMG.. that was the 1st time I saw feviquick in action..that thing is so damn fucking strong.. so he came back into the room and he carefully applied that adhesive onto the two broken pieces and attached it.. it was good.. the same as it was before, except the small visible crack and some tiny missing pieces.. he gave it back to B and told him to keep it in his room.. B took it and went away..
He came back into the room, he wasn’t very angry now though, but still a little pissed off on ashish.. Ashish was sitting in his bed. He had kept the left over feviquick on the table.. B spotted the tube and picked it up.. when ashish had his gaze somewhere else, he swiftly squeezed the remaining glue on his……..well…….read the title……though he wasn’t naked(fcors).. he was wearing a netted shorts and…… nothing inside. so basically wat happed was the glue just filtered through the cloth and fell on his thing.. hahahaha.. I was there sitting on my bed watching the whole drama… next second me ashish and B, all three of us were shouting.. Ashish was shouting cos he was in the danger of getting the hole blocked and not having kid in the future… B was laughing violently, pulling down every entity on the table.. I was screaming, telling ashish to go run and wash it quickly…..ashish ran spreading his legs, to the toilet, holding ‘that’ part of his shorts as far away from his thing as possible…it was so damn funny on B’s part… hahahaha.. he came back.. along with me and B, some more ppl had gathered to welcome ash back to the room, as if waiting for the president to step out of the plane and wave at us.. lolz.. he was very angry at B..
‘the’ ashish…(as he was commonly teased in hostel) has a very funny strange accent. First time he spoke to me, I had trouble figuring out what language he was talking in.. now this guy came back angrily from the toilet.. he said.. “it iij nut guuing”.. all of us burst into laughter.. ya ya..i know.. its not something to laugh at.. it could be serious.. but all of us who had gathered around had one heck of a time laughing at him.. then the humor settled and B told ash to go to doctor..(B is actually a very nice guy…thought I should mention this, cos this whole thing is giving him a villain role…lolz)..
To go out of the hostel, we had to 1st ask the warden..//wat the fuck.. my mom is telling me to get up from comp…and do some work.. chance ee illa//..where was I… ya.. we had to take warden’s permission before going out. She’d give small slip(the so called outpass..)..and the security would let us go out.. so ashish went to hospital and came back in an hour.. when he came back, every one rushed into our room.. wat happened, wat happened, wat happened… and ashish was like, doc gave me some ointment..and he gave an angry look to B and told.. “I hab tu apply it on my [CENSORED]”…lolz.. the way he told, his face expression..oh my god.. it was hillllllarious.. B asked him “ wat did u tell the warden da?”… he said “maam, I hab infection”.. warden had asked “ where”.. “BELOW MY WAIST, BETWEEN MY LEGS”… hahahahahahaha…..legendary…. this line will go down in history as one of the most famous lines ashish has ever said..or atleast in my blog..lolz..
That night, after dinner, warden came to our room to check on us.. she came and asked “ enna pa, avnukku kannda yadathhula infection nu sollraan.. yenna pa aachi”.. we all burst into laughter.. in the midst of our laughter, and to get things going, one guy farted.. hahahahaha… *burp*..hahahaha.. who’s the culprit?? Victoria’s second secret.. hahahahah.. I’m never gonna forget that day..
After like a week or so, we forgot abt this thing.. every morning we would dressup, go to the canteen for breakfast, come back to our room, take our bags and we would go to class.. one fine day, me and B were coming back from canteen. We both entered the room, Ashish was about to apply the ointment.. hahahaha.. he had it on his index finger..he had taken as much as the length of his index finger.. B’s dialogue “ ashish, u have that much loooong dick ah da??”…hahahaha.. oh damn.. ashish threw the tube on B and “ maachikney..”. hahaha..
Damn.. those were the best days of my life.. it remains as sweet memories in my heart.. and thank google, I can bring out those memories and emotions to my blog.. Hope u enjoyed this post.. and I have tried my best to keep it as interesting as possible ( as I’v mentioned in my prev post.. )… so stay tuned.. I’LL BE BAK.. -\m/
Hi yall..Well I’m not throwin apologies for late posting.. guess that’s the way life has become.. self driven, by the consequences of my past acts n decisions leaving no room for my current desires.. like making regular posts in my blog… ye whatever.. alright, since I’v been making a post at least once a month and there are only like wat 5 days left? For this month to end.. I thought alright, lets do this… So, wat is it abt… well nothing that has happed yet.. its abt… something that I .. really expect to happen..or something like that.. I don’t know how to put this without sounding too lame, too serious too commitment-phobic.. its about…. Wat do I say.. hmmm…. I donno man.. seriously…. I’m running out of words…ok here it is.. I just wanted to talk about…..oh my god.. about the..well.. u know… qualities….characterand.. u know..basically abt this beautiful image that I have in mind about ‘THE ONE FOR ME’..
Ok..so im 18..for guys who haven’t thot abt gals and love and things in their entire life, i think this is a reasonable time to start… ok…just wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait……….let me make a very honest statement.. what I’m typing here mighttechnically, theoretically, mentally, physically hypothetically or in any damn way be wrong….. it is just wat has been running thru my head for the past couple of weeks.. I’v never taken my opp sex that seriously and this is the 1st time im doing whatever im doing right now……….. ok im being brave now and picking up where I left.. ( god damn it.. wat am I doing… I wish no body reads this post)… ok, so it has been a couple of weeks since this girls thingy has gotten into my head and I can’t seem to get it out..
Let me press the rewind button in my life and lemme take u back in my life.. I think It was 5th std when I had my 1st crush.. NO. I’m not telling her name.. cos its my password 4 lot of stuffs…including my google id.. apart from that I never had crush on any one.. never felt I was in love or something..infact, on the major part, I was sort f disgusted about romance… I reached my 10th std… trust me, 90% of the guys in my class were after some gal.. only like 3 or4 of us were… “gals? OMG…RUN….” Sort of people..(I used to talk to my classmates.. but.. still..) By the time I reached my hi school I had no problem with gals.. I had good friends n spent some great time with them in classroom but these thing called affair n romance n stuffs never interested me.. not even once.. All this time I was pretty sure that I wanted to be single all my life.. cos that’s the way I loved.. at that time.. and rightly said, times change…
And I’m stuck again.. I donno how do I say this.. cos I’v never ever even tried to express myself this way.. not even to myself.. I’m not a romantic person, so lemme just put it the way it comes in my head.. to start off with, I think I’v started feeling lonely.. If this sounds lame, I think u should leave my blog right now, cos its gonna get worse.. I remember the time I used to say things like “ I’m not gonna marry” or “ I’m a royal stag”.. but really.. that is not wat I want right now..I remember my roommate in hostel getting goodmorning msg everyday at 5am from his galfrnd, and he never used to get irritated.. I used to get mad at him… but now I feel I lack that someone who could be my first thought in the morning.. someone, who’s goodmorning wud be something more that just a wish.. something that’d remind me that I do have something to look forward to apart myself.. I’v started thinking abt this gal with whom I’m gonna endup at some point later in my life( I hope)..and when I look at a gal on the road or anywhere, this thot hits me like a breeze…may b she’s the one you might endup with.. who know.. and the next micro second.. I’d be like “shit..wat am I thinking..” n I’d laf at myself.. but seriously, I’m pretty clear about one thing right now.. I need a gal.. Serious.. I really believe that there is someone out there.. trust me, I can even hear her voice. I can imagine the way she talks.. I can visualize her face expressions.. its just that I havn’t yet bumped on her.. how badly I wish I had her now.. right next to me.. I love her.. I’m not just saying it.. I know I really do.. I have this thing.. inside me that I wanna give it out to her.. and I can’t wait to do that.. I want to show this female that she is special.. I don’t really know wat I’m typing, but I can almost feel it.. she is there somewhere.. reading this as I’m typing it and giggling to herself.. damn.. I wanna hold her hands.. look right into her retina.. and tell her these exact words “I love u”.. I’v heard people saying this in movies a million times.. but when it happens with you, it really feels sort of different.. nice… amazing…. I know this is probably the most boring post I’v ever made.. cos this is the first time that I’m not able to covert my thoughts and feelings into text and binary codes.... right now I’m sort of frustrated, angry, excited and lot f mixed emotions are coming out right now.. I just can’t wait it to make her feel the way I want her to feel.. I mean.. I wanna to know that she matters hell lot to me... I want her to know that I’m gonna stand by her side forever… want her to understand that she’s all that matters for me.. and above all I want her to know that I really really really love her and I wanna c her happy all the time.. its only smile.. a cute smile..it is all that I want to c on her face.. it is all that I want to see in this whole fuckin world.. I wanna give out my everything to this one girl.. who’s gonna rest her head on my shoulders.. I’ll do anything to make her the happiest female there ever lived.. I want this one gal whom I can proudle call my wife.. I’ll tell ppl that she s MY wife.. every time it rains, I fly to this time were me and her wud b sitting..right next to the window with a cup f coffee…cuddling eachother..(damn…rain gets me romantic.. ).. I’d look into her eyes and tell her that I love her.. more that anything else in this world.. probably for the hundredth time of the day..alright, i agree..i'm talking all crap... but i told u earlier.. its just things that has been running thru in my head.. and i'm so messed up right now that i can't think much of anything else apart this 'ONE FOR ME'.. so much that i can't even think of a good cheesy ending for this post.. i'm sorry cos i have to leave it here..hold on till the next post.. i'll try to make it a little interesing.. but till then.. cya...
wait wait wait wait wait wait ......................i know this guy from school...(he looks like a monster out of some b/w horror movie ) he called me and told he's making out wid some gal....damn.. ok, i dont have that josh radnor cute looks, but i.........4get it.. c ya in the next post.. bye bye...
"May there always be work for your hands to do, may your purse always hold a coin or two. May the sun always shine on your windowpane, may a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you, may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you." this is an Irish blessing and I could not think of a better way to start this post.
This is a story of four friends and a gal with a strange name, who temporarily screws up their friendship. It all began the day Gowtham was finally gonna meet Rimjim( remember the gal with a strange name??)..don’t ask me how gowtham came to know rimjim. It’s another story altogether.. So, this fine day, they both decided to meet in Citicenter..
When gowtham and rimjim decided to meet up, he called Lokesh and told him about it. So lokesh wanted to come along just to get a peek at the gal. Since gowtham was not comfortable with the idea, he told lokesh not to come. But lokesh was reluctant to quit. So this is what happed the next day. The love birds met up and they were sitting idly talking shit ( my imagination ;)). Lokesh showed up with Hemant, and the party begins.. Gowtham told lokesh was being very irritating. He was jumping n making faces n teasing them n sort f stuffs..plus jimjim (oh sorry, rimjim) was a sort of a psycho character. i don’t really know y, but she started crying it seems.. thus pissing off gowtham. Lokesh and hemant were still walking behind them, making some noice or some crap.. so gowtham msged lokesh saying “fuck off u basterd”. Well…that was enough for lokesh and hemant to leave the place.
The same stuff but a little changes.. lokesh did go on his own, gowtham called him it seems.. and the most important part, they did not dance and all in front of them. Lokesh and hemant took a vantage point right behind a pillar from where only gowtham could see them.. gowtham gave lok a missed call.. so lokesh just made a gesture asking him y did he call.. gowtham did not respond I think..then something happened and then the final message.. lok and hemant left.. Now lokesh and hemant went to beach. Hemant was msging gowtham from lokesh’s cell..but he was replying to hema’s phone.. this pissed lokesh even more.. then no more conversation between lokesh and gowtham..
After like a week or something me, lokesh and hemant met.. Pencil was nari’s substitution this time. I told lokesh and hemant whatever nari told me.. that’s when lokesh and hema gave me their version of the story.. Lokesh was still pissed off with nari.. he said he’s never gonna talk to him n stuffs… but I knew somewhere down my heart, this is gonna last for some time and everthings gonna be over.. cos we all needed to have fun and the only way we knew how to have fun was being together, doing all crazy stuffs… meanwhile hemant took lokesh’s side. He said what nari is doing is wrong.. the new substitute was dropping wisdom..lolz.. ”dai, renndu peerum school la yeppadi friends ah irunndhiinga, ipaddi chinna sanndai ku pooi ipaddi peesaama irukkalaama..oru naal ellam meet panni ellam seri pannlaam..”..
We went to beach n we were sitting there talking some crap.. though pencil was there, he was a good friend of ours and a nice guy, something seemed utterly out of place. Though we were pretending to be having a good time, we were actually realizing how much we were missing gowtham. Not that we would say it to each other, I knew it was true. Me and hemant went to buy water packets. When we were walking, hemant was saying “ macha, nari ya rommbo miss panreen da… Ne?” I said “ aama da.. oru maadhriya irukku..”. we knew it was the same with nari and lokesh. They both badly wanted to talk to each other, but ego had built a huge brick wall inbetween. It was so evident. Nari would keep asking me, “ did you guys go out somewhere??”.. Lokesh would msg me and hemant a 100 times a day asking “ did nari msg u?? did u talk to him??”. Infact, earlier that day, lokesh said we are not talking about nari.. but all he did was talk abt him..
Close to 5:30 we departed. We planned to go to gowtham’s place for a peace talk. Me and hemant compelled gowtham to atleast come down to the street for a talk.. Lokesh did not come. He and pencil were standing in the main road. Me and hemant went there and close to 1hr we were standing on the street talking facts and figures.. gowtahm was giving his own theories as to why he said fuck off.. then he finally said, let him understand y I said fuck off and then I’ll talk to him. After that he came till the main road. Now see this, he was not wearing slippers. So initially he was not ready to come. Hemant gave him his slippers and hemant walked bare foot all the way till the main road..Pencil was standing there.. he started dropping some more wisdom. Hahaha.. never seen this guy talking philosophy.. this is the funniest part. A little while ago before we reached main road, lokesh saw someone who looked like nari.. he thot it was him and he RAN from that place.. pencil told us and all 3 of us were lafing.. hahahahahaha… then me pencil and lokesh took an auto to get home.. I had to rewind the tape and tell lokesh what ever gowtham told.. again this guy came up with his own objections.. finally b4 I left lokesh, he asked me “ frank ah sollu da.. yaaru maela da thappu..”.. that was probably the toughest question I had faced that day.. never in my life I’v taken sides when there’s a fight.. especially among friends.. I’m a sort of person who looks forward to a practical solution to a problem.. so I just simply said “ I don’t think its anybody’s mistake.. just a little misunderstanding..”
Even during the ‘peace talk’ hemant was being very biased and supporting lokesh. All these days, nari was just msging me and hemant. Even during msges, hemant was supporing lokesh.. so nari got pissed off and msged him “ fuck off.. good bye forever”.. this msg split gowtham and hemant.. Now nari used to msg and talk only to me.. hemant would ask regularly “ nari yedhaavadu sonnana da”.. then this went on for some more weeks..
//the following section is gonna contain lot of txt msges..
One fine day, me and nari were msging each other..wait. let me grab my phone and c if I still have those msges in my inbox……………………………………………………………ye.. got it.. its still there..this was nari’s msg “Macha m seriously missin de fun time we had da..”… I was like jumping.. aiiyo.. gang reunion is not far away.. this was his next msg “fuc tat rimjim da everything because of her.” The first thing I did was forward those msges to lokesh and hemant.. hemant was like “avlo dhaan macha, everythings gonna b over.”. lokesh wanted a million conformations. He was asking me so many times, “ dai nejama va da.. nejama va da”.. I told, “ dude, I’v got the msg in my inbox. I’ll show u when we meet next time… “.
After few days, nari asked me,” macha, I’m missing hemanth da. Shall I msg him?”..( damn..i can relive those moments.. as I’m typing this, the whole thing is actually running thru my head).. I was like “ ya da.. sure”.. then I msged hemant “ did nari msg u?”.. hemant replied “ dai, how do u know da”.. I replied “ he asked me before msging you”.. then hemant sent “ aiiyo, nari hi da anapchaan da.. appadiye gudhikka aaramichhiten”.. and thus, nari and hemant were back.. but still, the major battle had to be resolved.. and it can’t get more stupid that this..
Hahaha..oh my god I’m lafing.. I still cant seem to understand y did lokesh come up with such a silly idea.. we’d send group msges usually.. so this is how it began.. w8, I’ll put it like a conversation.. it’ll be easier to read.. these r the EXACT msgs that was sent n received.. except for few places containing * and [CONTENT SUPRESSED ]
Hemant: This is a group msg: hey gusy we’ll invite nari back to our group msging system.. wat vous any objections? Wat do u say guys?
Me: no objections here..
Hemant: vatsa has no objections .. enna vous reply kaanum.. say HI to nari.. indraya naal oru punidhamaana naal. uthamar Gandhi porandha naal.. so Hi sollu..
Vous(lokesh): Hi (he sent this only to hemant and me)
Hemant: hey bous was that HI a group msg? dai nari, ni oru hi sollu..
//nari did not reply..
Hemant: tat dog s not attending my call. He must be away from his mobile
Lokesh: guys ill say hi to narasiman only after u guys answer my question okk..
Me: ok.. Hemant: k k vous..
Lokesh: telling hi to him is only after u guys answer me the following question. Until then I wont. Remember. Question “ the guy who makes it does’nt buy it. The guy who buys it, doesn’t use it, the guy who uses it, does’nt see it. What is it.
Lokesh: better don’t say exceptions like wat s this, enna da idhu kolandha thanama irukku(mostly pencil will say this dialogue..question is a question.. deal is a deal. .. and remember, deal is not to be broken okkkkk..
I was sitting in front of mycomp when he sent this msg.. I was thinking abt it for sometime and realized how stupid I was.. no, I did not figure out the answer.. i opened mozilla firefox.. here I would like to thank google.co.in.. lolz.. I typed in the major keywords in the questing and hit enter.. I found the answer in the first page itself.. meanwhile,
Lokesh: hema durai gave fuckin answer. Friendship aaa thooo…
Hemant: vous, give some clue..
Me: I think it’s a coffin
Hemant: hey vatsa has got it right.. wat vous correct ah?..coffin…saavupetti
Me(only to hemant): 100% correct da.. got it from net.. lolz..
Lokesh: sorry guys question has some mistake in it.. vil change the question n sed u soon..sorry..
Hemant: hey vous s cheating. This s not at all fair.. vous ku sema bulb.. vatsa answered correct.. kailash is asking what is going oh there? Hahahaha…
(kaka was missing out all the fun..)
Lokesh: dai o*** hema I can even say even [CONTENT SUPRESSED] as answer.. wait I’ll ask u guys another question..
Hemant: oh ovus is saying [CONTENT SUPRESSED].. d guy making it might even [CONTENT SUPRESSED].. so he can c it.. guys lokesh is cheating..
Hemant: cheater lokesh cheater lokesh. Lokesh is cheating. Lokesh s cheating. Vatsa used his brain n answered. Lokesh changing his question. U only said deal is a deal. Now u r breaking your rules..
Lokesh: okk I accept coffin s the answer I appreciate u vatsa.. good keep it up.. but I asked u a easy question.. I’ll ask u guys another question.. let this be the final one okkk.. n then I’ll do whatever u guys say me.. I promise…. Okk.. wat guys….
Lokesh: let me bring a good deal finally… u guys must answer the following 3 questions that I’ll ask u… after all telling me the answer for those questions I’ll say hi to him…. I swear I’ll do it.. okkk let this be the final one… I want opinion from each one..
I was like, go on bro, ask me a million riddles.. google rox!!! Hahaha.. Me: ya ok..
Hemant: no way.. this s so childish..
I convinced hemant to go on.. then,
Hemant: ok k.. we’ll give a try..
In middle of all this action, hemant was reading one night @ the call center (probably for 10th time..for me and him, 5 point someone and this book are like bible..)..he msged me this.. Hemant(only to me): ready to sleep but its little boring.. so am going to havemore restaurant, pandara road.. nine months before this night.-#10: My past dates with priyanka-II
lokesh: okkk here s the 1st question.. when I go in I might cause pain. I cause u 2 spit and ask you not to swallow. I can fill your hole.. WHAT AM I??
trying not to get him suspicious,
me: dick?
Lokesh: no
Me(to hemant): macha its that silver filling machine that dentists use.. sure..
Hemant(to me):I replied him toothbrush or pennies..ok k I’ll reply what u said..
Hemant: hey vous, is it the silver fillng machine used by DENTISTS.. correct ah ..
Lokesh: okkk hema u got it….guys hema got it…dentist s the answer…
Hemant: hip hip hurray…
Lokesh: okkk party over..heres the next one.. what is it that goes in hard and stiff and comes out soft and wet??
Me: dick??
Lokesh: no no…
Lokesh: look at this idiotic answer from pencil ki bache.. TWO BATHROOM…hehahaha..
Hemant: ada kasumaalam pencil…
I again got the answer.. infact from the same website..it was called somethink like misleading riddles or something.. I sent the answer to hemant..
Hemant: hey guys d answer is chewing gum.. I’m sure abt this..
Lokesh: aaaaaaah fuck u guys..chewing gum..s its correct… Me: ok final question final question…
Lokesh: final question.. from the moment I saw u, I wanted to be inside u. I love the way u smell,the way your tongue feels, the way u tighten and loosen mmmm…
Hemant: lolly pop ah..
Lokesh: no
Me: aama da..lolly pop dhaan naada vechhiktu tight loose pannitktu irukku… Then something happened that I badly did to want to happen.. current off…
Me(to hemant): macha we have to think abt this one.. current off.. so no internet.
Hemant: oh shit..
Me: Must be some dress or costume
Lokesh: no
After a while I felt sleepy and I went to sleep.. the next day the battle begins again..at 10pm,
Lokesh: what guys, can’t guess answer for that question??
Me: send the question again..
Hemant and lokesh both sent me the question.. I searched for it but couldn’t find it.. so then the bulb on my head blinked again.. u put up the question in yahoo answers. I got the answer in less than 5 minutes..
Me: shoe ah?? Hemant: hip hip hurray, vatsa got it itz shoes..
Lokesh: indha vatsa is giving answer to every question…something should be helping him..i think he’s getting help from internet…again hemant’s dilog..cheater vatsa cheater vatsa.. vatsa is cheating.. …..
Me: po da naaaaye.. i did not use net nall..
While we were battling out the final answer..kaka was asking lokesh for the answer..
Lokesh: idiot kaka what will u do after knowing the answer..oh u’ll ask the same question to your college frinds n show ur too brilliant aaa… pichiduven kaka unna….
Lokesh: okk guys, we had a nice time in this question n answer na.. even v vil improve our brain iq… c the benefit great na..
Hemant: huhhun…ippo brain iq 1 dhan korachhal..coffin dentist chewing gum shoe seruppu nu enna iq varum..karumo…indha question ellam quiz competition la kooda keekamaataanga..
Hemant: ok, now lokesh should say HI to nari..
Me: ya..
Hemant: vous, nari ku oru hi sollu paapom..
Lokesh: but c, my behavior will be totally different 2 him..
Lokesh: sollunga da..
Hemant: nee dhaan sollanum..
Me: chumma Hi da sollu..
Lokesh: he replied me hi da.. what should I send next..
Hemant: great vous.. ask how are u? hows life going? Naduula annga annga nari ma nari kutty pootuko…
Lokesh: asked how r u… he said me fine n u…..NEXT????
Hemant: enna vatsa rombo formal ah pogudhu…talk as usual vous..first nall how u used to talk..
Lokesh: I said fine, so any pick up and drop…I made it two..n u??
Lokesh: he asked who da, ths was my reply, [CONTENT SUPRESSED] n [CONTENT SUPRESSED].. my coll mates.. [CONTENT SUPRESSED]
Hemant: really a da vous???
Me: Dai serious ah va??
Lokesh: ss guys.. was very eager to say this.. but thot to say at a time to every1..
Lokesh: look at reply.. adapaaaaaaaaaaaavi… so1avey i11a cha.. dai 1ets forget everything and get bac together serious1y I missed u semaya..
Me: wooooooooooooooow….gang is bak.. my blog is gonna survive.. this is gonna be legen…… w8 for it……….DARY…
Nari: ya da we are bac…
Hemant: yo yo..so nari accepted tat he missed u ah!.. great.. hehehe blog saved ah…
And that’s how we got back together.. there was lot of stuffs to talk about.. that night we went on msging till 1.30..
So it was then, at the middle of the night, all four of us, jumping in joy.. damn.. after almost 2 months I think that all 4 of us r together.. thx to that psycho gal with a strange poetic name, rimjimrimjim we realized how much our friendship means to us..And how much we love each other.. so at the end of the day, awesomeness is gonna start blooming again.. wow..
wow man.. seriously.. feels nice to hit blogger.com on the addressbar and entering my id and pw and looking at all the blog list i have..hmmmm... brings back that same old feel of..k never mind..... sooooo..ya right.. i had to justify my cause of no postings right...here it goes.. past 2 months i was super busy with my 1st year project in college..(thats right, super busy).. to tell you the truth i did not really have fun doing this project.. primarily because of my teammates.. cos they were like one big bunch of morons.. so me and my team leader SPVR, we both had to do all the work.. well 90% of the work. and BTW, we were making a adventure game in flash..its called 'INCOMPLETE The revenge never ends'..and justifying the game's name, we were nowhere near completing the game, but we managed to make a prototype. i wish i could upload the game here, but i'm not sure how to do that.. so lets just leave it aside.. (if u really wanna take a look at the game, mail me at adrsrivathsa@yahoo.co.in and i'll send u a copy).. i don wanna get into precisely describing whatever happened in the past 2 months.. its was a rough ride.. we had to attend a couple of review sessions where some of our faculty would throw up questions like "y did u choose flash to make this game", "y should i play your game", "what makes your game special", "why is it that the story contains a lot of violence".. and after taking each blow on the face, and making our way through, they'd say "well....i cant really imagine how's your game gonna look like" or " your idea is good, but overall i think your game is gonna be boring"... this was the worst comment the we received "your game is a total bullshit. i can make that in 1 week".. i thought that guy was totally off his head. i was like what the fuck r u talkin about man.. he was just looking at the external working codes. what about the hundreds of scripts that goes in as a part of level programing... hell with it.. ok 4get it..
in the middle all these happening,this is what happend one fine day.. it was close to 11am i was sitting in my college lab busy banging my head to get one of my code working..one of my friend ram entered the lab. he said " dai, hemant call pannan da.. unna lokesh cell ku call panna sonnan"..(this guy knows hemanth).. i thot...lokesh....hemant...oh shit.. my day is gonna be ruined..... i did not call him anyway... but after like half n hour or something, hemant called me from lokesh's cell.."machaaa, veliya va.. un college munnadi dhaan nikkiren.." oh shit.. i went and guess what... lokesh, hemant and nari were standing there with smile from ear to ear.. nari said " dai ellarum college cut adichitu vanndrukkom.. kelammbu da neeyum..".. ther was no way i could convince them to leave me.. so thot let me save my energy and have some fun.. n ya 4got to tell u, nari got a new bike..TVS flame and it looks great..b4 starting the bike we planned to go for a movie, then after starting the bike,spencer,after 1st gear, citicenter and after the bikes started rolling "dai mocha poolam da."... we landed in mocha. it was a Tuesday afternoon i guess.. and since there were no girls there, nari was upset and so was lokesh. so we left mocha and went our very own abirami sweet abirami.. trust me, we sat there for 5 hours and discussing how to make our life more interesting..lolz.. me lokesh and nari were sincerely planning while hemant was lafing at us.. cha.. i should have joined hemant.. anyway bla bla bla.. and we went home...
now getting back to the main story, the project, it 'sort of' finished just last week.. and what a finishing.. we had to submit game document of individual works and a game document for the complete team.. since most of the team members never did anything, i thot let them fuckning atleat do the documentation part. i just gave my documents to swami( our HoD) and said this is my document..i donno about other, dont ask me.. my responsibility is over.. ek tha raaja, ek thi raani, dhoono marey khatham kahaani...(translation exclusively for [CONTENT SUPPRESSED]: there lived a king, there lived a queen, both of them died and the story ends" ;D )
This is aaaas good as it gets.. I can’t tell u the class of experience we had that day… this is the story of 4 fanatic wildass bums who got their asses screwed for no good.. i’m gonna tell u the story from my point of view and certain bums will disagree with me… but I don’t care.. this is my blog..this is my story.. and with that said, lemme kick start ‘the wildest chillout evvva’…
…..My college is more or less like a hangout place in itself.. u can enter anytime and move out when u want to.. usually the classes get over by 3 or 4. that unless a madmanwants to eat up a little more of the remaining brain off the students with his extra classes.. but this was not one of those days and we got on with our daily dose of gaming.After couple of hours of cs, I guess I left the college by 6..
….I was in train on my way back home. I had every part of my body pointing in different directions. A bend in every place possible inhuman anatomy. . nothing like I got caught in a dreadful gang war or something, but traveling in jam packed local trains at weekday evening is nothing less that a gang war.. as this was not enough, my phone started vibrating. These are one of those moments where u wish you were in the 18th century.. I somehow managed to slip the phone out of my jeans pocket. The screen displayed ‘Nari calling….’. I thought, now which girl is this bugger gonna talk about…when nari calls, its mostly for 2 things.. 1. He wants to talk about a girl he recently came across.. or 2.he’s planning for a hangout. … I thought twice about attending the call.. not that I did’nt want to, but it was too noisy out there.so many people, each of whom wanted their voice to reach their listener and the loud train sound to go along with it.. anyway I did attend, and I knew I was not going to hear anything.. he said something that I clearly did not understand.I replied “ dude, I’m in train. I can’t hear anything. I’ll call u when I get home”and I awaited response…I could hear his faint voice saying something.. I blocked my other ear with my pinky, struggling to maintain my balance and said “what?”..he said “ dai, this is important”…I sensed form his tone that this was something other that the 2 points I mentioned earlier.. how wrong I was.. he said “ me and Lokesh are planning to go for a movie. Hemanth is also coming. You HAVE to come” providing a little extra pressure on ‘have’.. I said by reflex “ ur nuts man, what are you saying.. how am I suppose to go home after the movie..”..he said “come to my place. I’m alone in my home.. lokesh and hemant are also gonna stay at my place only.. we’ll have a blast..you have to come man..”… the narsiman part of my told “ what are you waiting for..lets go”….but the intellectual part of me (i.e. the vatsa part of me) reminded me of my mom and her anger… but when it comes to having fun, the narsiman part easily overrules the vatsa part of me.. I told nari “ I’ll call my mom and findout if I can come..i’ll call u 10 mins” and I cut the phone…
……. I got down in korattur station.. I called my mom n told her I had some extra super duper assignment to finish and that I needed to stay in my friend’s place tonight… she agreed.. parents never say no to studies I guess.. then I called back nari and told him the good news.. he wanted me to come to villivakam station.. he told he’ll pick me up from there and go to abirami straight..i took a train in the reverse direction and landed in villivakam. ( damn..i was crossing villivakm when nari called..if he had called me couple of mins earlier, I could have got down at villivakm itself..anyway, life’s not easy…lets move on)… I msged nari that I was waiting 4 him.. he told “ innum 15 mins la vandhudreen da anga..”…his 15mins translated to 50mins.. hemant called me for 4th time to ask our status.. everytime, I had to say…” innum station la dhaan da irukken.. nari innum varala”.. he said “ o**a, lokesh ey srm la irunndhu vanndhutaan, indha b***u ku naadhamuni la irunndhu vara yevlo neeram da..”…after some time, nari finally showed up..the look on his face seemed as if he’d gone around the world looking for me and finally found me in his backyard.. dumbass.. I was a little frustrated myself besides hemant.. I asked him why he was late, for which he told he went to fill petrol (yeah right, filling petrol takes more than halfn hour… took a flight to Saudi or what??)..we both started from theirand we hardly drove for 5 mins when nari spoke “ dai,vanndi oota vey mudiila da..” now I thought may be he’s a bit tired or something.. so I offered to ride.. he said, “ illa da, nan *****ye poodla da”…I was like, no way maaannn.. this night can’t get worse than this..we took a 180 degree turn and headed to his home..i was sitting on his vehicle, right in front of the gate and this guy went up to his room.. now how long does one take to put on an extra bit of clothing… he took ages and ages to come down.. and mean while, when I was waiting for him, a female was sitting in the veranda. She asked “gowtham ku wait pannriya pa??”..i said “aama aunty”…and after sometime another female came out of nowhere… she had a threatening voice.. she looked at me and asked the other female, “yaar adhu”… this female told “ gowtham ooda friend…avanukku wait pannran..padam paaka pooranga polarukku”..now the female with the scary voice started shouting “enna nanachikktu irukkan indha paiiyan… oru control illama pooidchi.. padathuku poora time aa idhu..vara vara veetla nimmdhi yee illa indha paiiya naala.. bark bark bark bark….”she went on barking.. I moved a little away from the gate cos I had a slight feeling that she might at any moment, take a big rod and bang it on my head..hemant called me again.. I told “ dai, ivan veetukku vanndhutoom da.. ivan j****ye poodleyam”..hemant was going mad “ennadhu, j****ye poodlaya??Saava sollu da avana..innum 10 mins la inga varala renndu peerum, naan kelammbi veetukku pooiduveen”..…finally this guy came down and we started again from his home..and to my surprise, this guy entered a petrol bunk… I asked him “dai, vara boodhu dhana da petrol pootee nu sonna…”… he did not answer pretending he did not hear me.. I knew he cud not think of any practical excuse.. so I thot lets give it a break.. we reached abirami in the end.. we rushed inside to find hemant and lokesh.. lok was too frustrated to speak.. all curses came flooding out of hemant’s mouth.. the movie was supposed to start by 10….it was 10.30 when we bot the ticket.. ‘yaaradi ne mohini’…I donno if I spelled it properly, but pretty nice movie I shud tell u..
….1am when we stepped out of the mall.. HOLD ON…. Something doesn’t fit in.. there’s just one crap vehicle and there are four asses.. hohohoho….we. are. screwed.a dialogue from the movie came to my mind.. “yenga amma appaveeey sonnaangaa”…lolz… if there was any chance of reaching home, by hook or by crook…we needed to have the movie ticket…it was THE only thing that could prove that we actually went to a movie… ok, so we have the tickets..but how the hell are we supposed to get home???...a little fighting, a little cursing…the final decided.. lets walk all the way.. if we get caught,we’ll make up some story..besides, we have the movie tickets… I told myself‘yeah…how bad can it get..lets start walking”… damn…in couple of hours I got my answer..
….. all 4 night riders started our incredible journey by walk.. yes, we had the serious risk (read obvious) of being questioned by cops.. 4 guys, especially one with long junky hair and one with almost no hair, along with 2 other culprit looking guys pushing away what seemed to be a broken down (read stolen) 2 wheeler at 2 o’clock in the night obviously doesn’t seem quite acceptable. To add spice to the show, nari had no license, no RC book, no insurance paper, no nothin… although we had a million reasons to be scared about, I was having a good time.. cos its not everyday that u go for a walk with your best pals at 1.30 in the morning… occasional wind blows would lift thepapers on the road.. and it was the only thing that gave life to the place besides the four nitwits..
…….20 mins later, it was time to upgrade our plan.. and it involved using the bike.. I mean.. his BAJAJ spirit… we had certain limitationsthough,…like only 3 people cud go at a time.. no one person should walk alone in the road.. so our plan was like this.. nari and lokesh would go a certain distance in his bike, drop lokesh at some junction, come back, pick up me and hemant, get to the point where lok is waiting.Form there, me and hemant would start walking again till he takes lokesh and drops him further ahead.. and repeat the process till we get home.. anything that would get me to shelter fast was ok with me.. hemant had no objections either if I can remember..so the plan commences and nari and lokesh pair left us.
…if hemant was a gal, I would have almost called it romantic yaar.. I looked at him half expecting him to turn into a beatuful gal,but I still saw the beard ..all I cud do was look away.. we saw an old police constable on a cycle with another fellow.. they crossed us and went..they jst paid a peek.. we expected him to question us but he did not.. we continued walking, a little relived.. after few minutes, the same guys were coming in the opposite direction.. this time, we were not lucky enough.. the old guy called us.. we both walked to him..i tried to keep my face as innocent lookin as possible, but I guess a guy with almost no hair and a considerably long beard does’nt look innocent in any angle .. since this was an old guy on a cycle, with another dumb fellow who I guess had no brains, they did not seem like much threatening.. our conversation was something like this..
Oldcop: yenga da pooringa?
Hemant: padam paathutu veetukku poorom.
Oldcop: yenndha padam?
Hemant: yaaradi ne mohini.
Then the oldcop told the dumb cop to check the tickets.. he took a look at our tickets and said “ellam correct aa dhaan irukku”..
Oldcop: yenga da irukku veedu?
Hemant: noor hotel kitta sir..
Oldcop: yenndho ooru ne?
Hemant: inndha ooru dhaan sir..
Oldcop : ne ?
Me : inndha ooru dhaan.
Oldcop : enna pannriinga reendu peerum ?
Hemant:student sir..
Old cop: renndu peerum aa?
Hemant: aama sir..
Old cop: om peeru enna?
Hemant:D. hemant kumar..
Oldcop: um peeru?
Me: vatsa
Oldcop: enna jaadhi nee?
Hemant: (i don’t remember what he said but i guess it sounds something like.)Godzilla.
Oldcop: anndha jaadhi la hemant nu payr vekka maataangaley…
Hemant: illa sir.. hemant dhaan sir..
Oldcop: ne yenna jaadhi?
Me: theriyaadhu.
Oldcop: theriyaadha? Enna jaadhi ney theriyaadha?
Me: illa theriyaadhu..
Oldcop:seri.. seekirum veetuku pooi seerunnga..
…. we were walking for what seemed to be eternity.. as per plan, nari was to come back in 15 mins.. ok, 20 mins max dude… but what the f***…we reached hemant’s home and no sign of nari… nari did not have his phone with him.. though lokesh did, he did not pick up.. we tried his landline (may b these asshole went straight to home).. but to shit.. lolz…now feel like mentioning this.. hemant is scared of dogs.. he would spell a curse at every dog in the street.. “paaru da, inngayeee morachhi paakudhu da saniya..”… hahahaha…I thot “okkkk..alright..so the coolguy has a fear of dogs huu??”…i know people like sush...a good friend of mine, who has this monstrous fear of dogs.. in her case, since she’s a gal.. fear is acceptable..but this guy... woow man.. chaaance ee illa.. ok fine..getting on track again.. we were still looking out for nari.. we were still near hemant’s house.. we did not walk after that… hemant bugger said.. “ye veedu vandhudchi da.. na po pooren..”… ya he jst said that, but I knew he would’nt leave me here in middle of the road at this time.... but still..
…I was too tired, too messed up and too sleepy to think straight.. I tried his landline no again.. but they did not pick up.. aaaahhhhhh…. Where the F r they.. we thot probably these bums ran into some cops… now that would be really bad….cos in that case, they’d need to save their asses first before they cud come to our rescue.. thankfully my phone buzzed… hemant: “ o**a, landline la irunndhu call panraanunga da.. veetukeyy pooitaanunga avanunga..”…hemant answerd.. Hemant was blasting nari over phone.. and who would’nt.. nari says “dai..naanga veetuku vanndhutoom da. Neenga appadiye nadanndhey vanndhudunga…” what the bloody F**k… cos I don’t wanna turn my blog into some sort of social evil, I’ll censor hemant’s reply..basically he spelled out ever possible badword u can say per sentence..+ ordered nari come here and take both of us.. me and hemat were standing in the noor hotel busstand…
….now, what do u expect nari to do? Come in his spirit alone…pickup both of us, and we go home… BUT....guess what happens… both of them came back.. and the best part is, we saw them coming by walk.. we spotted them for far way.. hemant was like “ dai, avanungala adhu…aama da.. avunungaleyy dha da.. enne da nadanndhu varaanga…”…when we asked them where the f**k is the vehicle, the reply was probably the last thing I wanted to hear at that moment.. it got puncherd… I was like…..brillllllliant.. and just when I thot this dreadful night was gonna get over, fate opened the gate for another hour of merciless walking....
….we went over to the place where they had parked the piece of crap.. we had a little discussion.. since it was close to 2.30, the place would be crawling with cop on night patrol.. so getting caught was a sure deal.. that, if we take the main road.. (according to nari or hemant..i don’t remember….) hemant knew another route through which we could skip the, main road.. but I donno why, I had this real bad feeling in me.. I knew we were gonna run into some trouble.. I guess, we took just few steps, when the trouble came from our back with a siren… daaaaamn… I thot, probably after getting thru this night, I’m gonna be an expert on ‘how to screw up your weekends.’… I turned my head to find a bolero and a bike.. 3 guys came upto us..
…..one guy was young, around 20 I guess, not wearing uniform..one guy was middle aged.. and an old guy.. this old guy had some extra badges and ropes and accessories attached to his shirt, probably speaking of his superiority.. I was too blown out to rememberwhat happened..but I’ll try to be as accurate as possible.. those guys came up and started questioning us.. all the usual questions…. Who r u guys.. what r u guys up to… n bla bla bla bla.. we gave some psycho answers to all those… then (thankfully) the old guy left.. only 2 cops were left and it felt a little better.. I guess 2 is better than 3… the guy asked for license.. nari was practically shivering.. he went up to open the seat as if he really has one.. he said “illa sir”… “license illa ya?”…RC book…no…insurance no… we showed the movie tickets.. the non uniformed guy checked all our pockets and nothing suspicious came up..lokesh was doing most of the talking…actually lokesh did all the talking.. the cop told hemant to call his dad… hemant was like “veena sir.. thittuvaanga sir”.. the cop said “ oru vaati anubava aptta dhaan thirunduviinga..”…hemant took his phone and called… I thot, what the hell is he doing. If he calls his dad, all our dad’s will get to know and we’ll be in the trouble of our life.. this guy is smart.. he was calling nari’s number.. he did not have his phone with him remember??? He said “ yedukkala sir”..this is the funny part..that guy flashed torch on lokesh’s face and said “ ivan nalla thelivva irukkan..”….then my face.. “indhu rommbo quite aa irukku”.. then nari and hemant… “ inndha rendu muunji dhaan yenakku pidikkavey illa.. thiruttu muli mulikkiraanuga”…lolz… now those cops were quite friendly and polite.. he asked “ seri yeen main road vittutu anndha sanndhu kulla pooninga??”…lokesh said “ main road la vanndha neenga pidippiinga nu dhaan appadi poonoom”.. the cop said the area through which we planed to go was not at all safe “ yevanaavadhu kathhi kaamichhi kaasu vanndi ellam thuukitu pooitaan na neenga yennga kitta dhaan varanum”…. Ya true.. what he said actually made sense.. then he said.. “seri inndh time veetukku yeppadi pooviinga, vanndhu station la ukkarunnga, nalaikii kaalaila poonga” …..what the hell.. no way man.. spend a night in police staion.. forget it.. no damn f**king way.. all four of us busted out.. “illa sir, veena sir.. ippadiye nadanndu pooidroom”..that guy started lafing.. “ seri da.. aana inndha vanndi yeppadi thallitu pooviinga???? Vanndi ya station la vittutu, naalaikki kaalaila rc book kaamchitu yeduthutu poongaa”…. Now that did’nt seem like a bad idea.. but still..u know.. we did not feel right.. that guy told us to come to the main road… nari was turning his bike around and damaaaaar….he puts it down.. l thot the cops r gonna get pissed off.. but lokesh spoke immediately.. “innga paarunnda sir..olunnga thaal kuuda theriila.. “… the non uniform guy replied “ adhhaan thallitaaney.. innum enna thalla theriila..”.. hehehe… lokesh or me..i donno… pushed that thing to the main road few yards away.. me, lokesh and hemant were on foot. Nari came with the cops on bike.. the uniform guy was riding.. nari second and that young guy was sitting at the end.. while going, that young guy asked nari it seems “ yaaru da heroine?”…nari: “ nayanthara”… that guy asked “ samma bit aa???” lolz….nari said “ nayanthara samma katta..” then after some yes sir, no sir.. we were allowed to go…. All 4 of us and a piece of crap.. it was awesome.. me and lokesh were the only people pushing that crap… nari was like “ dai… mudiila da.. kai kaal ellam sammaya valikkidhu da.. please da. Thallu da..” hemant was like “ anndha vanndiya naan thoda kooda maaten..”…we were walking walking walking walking.. cops in jeep, bolero, bike.. they’ll come and stop us as if like “FBI…FREEEZZZ”…all the time we would give the same dialogue.. “ayanavaram liye police pudichitaanga sir.. fine katti aachi..”…then they’d go away.. that was the longest unscheduled walk I’d ever made in my whole life..
….guess it was 4 am…. We were close to his house.. A tea shop was open.. we got ourselves tea and some biscuits… this was a reward I and lokesh had earned for pushing nari’s bike all the way..we reached his place, quietly parked his bike went up his room, spread the bed and I probably fell asleep even before lying down..
….i woke up at 9 in the morning.. I was the last to wake up.. I did not open my eyes yet.. I heard nari and hemant talking something.. nari was telling hemant.. “ innga paaru da.. eyppadi paduthhu thoongaraan..”.. I wanted to getup and shout at his face.. “ who the f**k pushed your f**kingspirit all the f**king way to your f**king home u bloddy f**ker….” But then.. I’m lazy to even open my eyes.. I got up after some time.. just to cutshort the story, we did nt do anything much.. we had lunch outside in a hotel.. i had put my phone for charging before going for lunch.. was switched off yesterday night itself.. when I switched on.. it had 10 missed calls from my dad.. and like 5 or 6 missed calls from some of my college friends.. I realized I'm in some major trouble … I called one of my friends.. he picked upand started “thev****paiiya.. yennga da poi tholannja.. unnga appa samma gaand la irukkaru.. college ku ellam phone panni tholachitaaru.. “.. then I called another friend.. same story form him.. “ bhosadikey, kaha gayab ho gaya saaley.. mujhey laga thu kahi mar gaya.. chuuthiye therey ghar me sey 10 call aa gaya..”..then I gathered up enf courage to call my dad.. . he did not even say hello.. he started blasting me like hell.. he had called all my college friends.. they told they did not know.. then he called my college it seems. They told “ your son hasn’t come to college today..”.. I got majorly screwed that day.. then after killing some time, me and lokesh took a bus to korattur.. then form there., took a train and reached our home.. home sweet home.. lolz… this was ‘the’ most awesome experience we ever ever had together.. and just to give a touch of bollywood to our friendship, this song is dedicated to the craziest bunch of amateurs on the face of earth..this song is exclusively for our friendship..
first things first.. sorry for not updating my blog for what seemed to be a quite long time..now this story is about the night halt at nari's place few weeks back.. since this happened a few weeks back, what ever happened there is a blur right now for me.. lemme think how it all began?????......yayayaya...i have to tell u this part.. i got a call from my college saying that i had to submit some assignments 'ON OR BEFORE' some date..they told this is very important and its gonna have a serious impact on my semester marks..they told 'on or before'..now what does this mean?? correct me if i'm wrong, but according to the english that i speak, it means that there is a deadline and i can submit it even before the dead line.. so, i did my assignments and went to college a few days before the deadline.. bloddy hell.. guess what happens.. there's no one in the college. not even a single faculty...all of them went to bangalore for some function it seems..i got seriously pissed off.. it was not jst me.. a lot of people were there.. i thot, lets not waste time and go home..i was walking to a shop to get something to drink..and thats when lojjay called...(hemant named lokesh this way..i never bothered to ask y).. i asked "enna da plan"( whats the plan) he said "nair veetla night out"( night out at nari's place)...i thot, poochi da.. i called hemant, asked him what is he upto...haha..when ever i call him, he'll have something interesting to tell.. such a cool guy (irritating at times...never mind)...he said "ippo dhan macha yeldhiruchhan..kulichitu may b BCL pooven.."( i woke up just now pal..may b i'll go to BCL after taking bath)...then we were discussing wether i should go straight to nari's place or meet hemant at BCL.. i was not really sure how to reach his place.. so i thot i'll go to BCL.. i took 27D and went to B.C.L..
................ annga pooi, as usuall i settled in a corner with the latest issue of fourfourtwo.. it was sort of boooring out there..all alone in bcl, sitting n reading mag, no company, no good lookin gals..blaablaa..what ever.. finally hemant popped in to save the day.. now.... when we both go to bcl, we make regular trips to toilet.. if not for nature's call, atleast to look at our sexy faces in that huge mirror...well... actually hemant needs to do that, so he drags me along.. there was some sort of auction over there..all used broken stuffs..there was this TV outside the building, on the way to toilet.. jack chan's who am i was on..hemant asshole won't move away from the TV.. he was so persistant on watching the movie.. ( told u he was irritating at times)... i had to pull him inside.. then he issued couple of book and we were jst chilling when when lokesh called again. he was saying " neenga rendu peerum yenna einstine aa??? BCL la book padichadhu poodhum.. Kelambi vaanga da inga.."(u both think ur einstine or what.. u'v read enough book..now get your butts here...)
.........From BCL, we took a bus and went to hemant's place..he kept his books, we skipped lunch ( tho we had some thing that he called thayir bonda or somthing at his home..it was'nt lunch..well it tasted gr8..) again we started from there and landed at nari's place... we called him down so that we would get an escort into his house..not that this was the first time we went to his house or something..or that we could'nt go up on our own... just for the sake of troubling him.. we went inside, lokesh kaka were eating puff.. two last puffs were left..me hemant and kaka went over a little dishum dishum for those puffs.. damn thing, nari was formating his computer.. told me this was the 4th or 5th time he was doing it.. this dumbass formats his windows drive like he's formatting a floppy or something.. what a creep he is....and there we were, sitting in nari's place doing nothing..jst killing time..
........i think it was 6 or so when me lokesh and hemant decided to go out.. hemant and lokesh were on lokesh's apache, and i was riding nari's disco bike..maaaan...i cant tell u what a fucking piece of crap it is.. u twist the throttle to the fullest, and only after few seconds it starts moving..u can imagine, both of them on a 150cc sweetheart and me on this piece of crap metal.. obviously i was lagging behind. those people had to stop after every 10mins to make sure i was keeping up with them, cos i dont have the alienest clue of that locality.. we went around the place and came back after an hour or so... his pc was still formatting..(probably for the second time..there was no sound coming from the speaker..sound card driver was not installed or the soundcard itself was blownup or something..i donno)..anyway there was a lot of comedy going on..ofcourse, with kaka, nari and hemant in one place, what else can one expect..
.......10pm and we planned to go to abirami for a night show.. how cool..me and nari in his spirite and the rest in lokesh's bike.. we started from house and in few seconds, apache of out of sight.. this nari was telling me some story and not really concentrating on where he is going.. he told we'll take a short cut..and ofcourse i did not trust him.. the thing with this guy is, he never respects any speedbreakers on the road.. with every speedbreaker we hit, i'd be thrown a foot above the seat.. moron.. going with him is nothing less than a rollercoster ride.. we asked for directions, went around the same road thrice and amazingly reached abirami..and when we did, we were not allowed inside the parking.. the ticket counter for the movie had been closed it seems..how lovely..kaka was there but hemant and lokesh slipped out to buy something.. i wonder what they bot at 10.30 at night..anyway, they cameback and we told them the 'no entery' prob.. reverse gear was the only option.. in the middle of all this, kaka's mom called.. she wanted to talk to nari.. he took the phone, said hello, gave the phone to me and ran away.. kaka was like.."dai peesu da peesu da..".. i said.."hello aunty.. nan narsiman peesuren"..she started asking "yedhuku night stay.....veetla yaarum illaya?.....unga amma appa ku theriyuma...yen kitta yen permission keekala??...."...i was blabring something for all those questions.. the final question i faced was" ippo anga yaar yaar ellam irukkanga?"..i said "naan, praveen, lokesh, hemant...and.....narsiman".....oh shit.. i was supposed to be narsiman right??? i sensed this was my turn to run away..so i ditched the phone to kaka and joined nari.. hahahaha.. we went back...we took the same short cut on our way back..( this time i'm not sure if i should still call it a shortcut)...we reached his home but these triplets were nowhere to be seen.. since we were waiting for them and had nothing to do, this bugger called sush..started talking about some priyanka in her class..now thats a different story all together.. we were talking for like half an hour i think, these apache ppl were still not home.. i called them, n found out they were in some hotel having dinner.. we told them to bring something for me and nari..(apparently i did not even have my lunch that day..).. thankfully those guy got some naan or rooti.. i donno..i was so hungry that it really did'nt matter..i finished eating and got up.. nari was still eating.. kaka was having the water bottle. me and nari asked for bottle at the same time.. kaka did 'nt want to give the bottle to nari..he threw the bottle blindly somewhere at us..(he's a dumbass..dont mind..)..hemant extended his hand.. the bottle struck his fingers and hit the cup with gravy..spilling it all over the floor.. paneer all over the floor.. me and hemant did the cleaning work with old newspapers.. all cleaned up we brought 2 mattresses to the room were computer was.. where we were sitting all the time.. the big plan was to watch a movie.. and this is how the plan was supposed to be...since there was no sound driver in the comp, so no audio from the comp...but lokesh's phone cud b connected to the comp and the comp speakers can b used as the phone speakeres.. so we needed to transfer the video file to the phone.. play the video(in comp) and audio(in phone) at the same time.. and for the sake of this great master plan nari was transfering what seemed to be a million files to million places.. every time we asked, he would say "innum 5 minutes da..avlo dhaan da..".. amid all this, me and lokesh won't let hemant sleep... nari and kaka were throwing water on each other... each took a bottle and filled with water and were throwing on each other.. they actually took bath inside the room in which we were to sleep...this phone to pc, pc to phone....transfer process started at 12 and ended at 3 i guess.. exactly when all of us were starting to fall asleep..we saw the movie for 10 mins.. the rooms was very hot so we went back to the room form where the matresses came from.. ac on pannitu, the last thing i remember is hitting my head hard on the pillow.. what a day it was..hold on....i forgot to mention.. lolz...lokesh was playing football inside the room and broke a sheet of plywood on the cupboard door.. hehehehe..ok...off to sleep..
.......day 2.. krishnaaaaa....gowtham G...these r the names nari is reffered to in his house..( i prefer nari ;-)..)..his grany got us coffee..what a super duuper day starting it was.. nari went to buy a big packet of noodles for breakfast.. he gave 500 bucks and forgot to get the change.. anyway, he realized this only in the afternoon...anyway, he bot noodles, cooked, we ate..and washed our hands.. and wiped our hands with towel..ok fine, leave it.. so,,,,,, wassup...whats next.. i dont remember who's plan it was.. we were off to play football in some ground.. just like last night, me and nari on his spirite and the rest on lok's bike..on our way there was some roadside digging under way... so there was mud pilled on both side of the road.. when we were almost near the ground, this guy was not looking at the road. instead, he turned his head back and was looking for lokesh..as u might have guessed, we went and hit the pile of mud..damaar dumiir..i blinked my eyes couple of times..fortunately we did not fall down..i was sitting where nari was sitting and he was standing in the gap between the seat and handle.. as if fucking the speedometer.. lolz...
............we went inside the park, i reserved the goal keeper's place for myself..loksh said "adhhana paathen..ne dhaan oodaveey maatiye"...ya thats sort of true..i'm a bit too lazy for sports.. we played for a long time..we were soaked in sweat..including me.. i hardly moved any part of my body for goal keeping, but still, standing out there, inbetween 2 goal post( in this case, 2 trees), in that life threatening position where there is every posibitily of that huge ball to come and hit you right on your head and knock you down to coma and u eventually die...its scary...if this sounds too exaugurating, trust me...this has happened before...i read somewhere.. luckily i'm alive,so lets leave this aside.. Ronaldo, Gerrard, Rooney...these people dont bring their wallet with them when they get on the pitch to play.. and so did'nt we.. fortunately lokesh had some change in with him..it summed up to enf cash to get 10 water packets.. 2 packets for each.. we drank and took a semi-bath in that 2 waterpackets.. and ya, his football got punctured..after somtime we went back.. veetuku pooi, we were just chilling, listening to music.. this is when nari realized he gave 500 bucks and did not get change.. hemant was saying "kaalangaathaala pooi, kadaikaaranukku aiinooru ruuba moi yeludhitu vanndhutaan.. "hehehehehe....
...............lunch time..we needed to go out and get something to eat. lokesh could'nt go cos he was genuinly tired.. so was nari... kaka is a dumbass... me and hemant were the choosen ones..to hold the magical sword and reign this universe for ever....damn..what am i bluffing.. u c, this is what happens if u update your blog at 1.30 in the morning.. u'll type out crap.. where was i??? ya, right..lunch... me and hemant on nari's spirite..we were on our way looking for a hotel.. hemant almost read my mind when i opened my mouth to speak..he was lafing...i was saying" inga paaru da.. yeppadi thiruvanaalum poogaveyy maatingadhu..."..hemant:"theriidhu theriidhu..un kaiiya paathaaley theriidhu"...now check this out.. we were near some junction and making a turn when the engine suddenly went dead..there was an auto with a man sitting inside and few other ppl standing all around it.. a bike on the ground, like it had hit the auto and fallen down.. our bike stoped a few feet in front of the auto..on of the guy standing there started barking at us.. he was asking something.. i did not exactly understand what was he saying..i gave him a puzzled look..then he said. "po po po po"...hemant started urging me " start pannuda...kelammbu..seekirum seekirumm..."..i was like..chill man, what' s the big hurry.. i kick started our sprite and moved on.. it was then, I peeked into the auto while passing it..BLOOODDDY FUCKINGGGG HELLL... the guy who was sitting inside had his face and body covered in blood.. i'v never seen so much blood before.. fuck.. hemant said " yaaro vettitaanga da avana..orey rathhamaa irukku..".. oh my god..at that point i was really out of my mind.. i was totally pissed off. i jst wanted to go home...i donno y.. we finally found a hotel.. we packed lunch.. to add fuel to the fire.. our bike won't start.. there was no petrol.. we filled petrol for 20 bucks.. ( financial crush).. i just wanted to have lunch and get home.. i had the throttle twisted to the fullest..i fiercly over took a scorpio and couple f other cars... samma rash.. hemant was saying.."ne samma gaand la irukka nu theriidhu..vidu vidu.."... we reached home by 4.. opened our lunch only to find rice and some sambar.. and nothing else..no side dish, no appalams no nothing..we are screwed.. nari got some sidedish and some extra sambar form fridge.. everyone took the sidedish except kaka.. nothing was left for him.. he fot with hemant and took from his plate.. cha..this is what happens when food is at stake... it was then that lokesh said " dai, fridge la irrundhadhu da.. veelakaari ku kudukaradha namblukku kudukkuraan da indha nari..adha veera indha kaka sannda pootu vaangi saapududhu...karumo".... after that i did'nt eat anymore.. no one else did.. kaka was persistant on leaving.. lokesh was not ready.. n so was;nt i..i mean, how can u leave jst after eating man.. all off us lay donw on the bed and were watching tv..
.............we were getting bored.. so lokesh suggested we;ll make some prank called.. he called a girl called gayatri priya (supposed to be a fat slut, lokesh's friend).. hemant had to speak.. he started saying.." hello, naan Praveen Kailash peesureen..naan hindhustaan college, AME panreen.. .."... kaka got furious.. "yen peru yen da use panraa..cut pannu da call a cut pannu da.. " he and nari were doing a little dishum dishum.. and in the process, kicked the vessel on the floor and sent the saambar flying..hahahahahahahha..samma comedy.. sambaar all over the floor.. second spilling since our visit.. kaka went inside the toilet and i gestured nari to lock the door.. he almost did it but somehow he could'nt.. kaka was banging the door like a gorilla banging its cage, waiting to be released.. noting much happeded after that..
.........at around 7 i guess we left his place, me kaka n lokesh on his bike.. i was'nt sure if we should go triples.. moreover we did'nt have helmet..lokesh said " va poolam..paathukalaam".. and waht a god damn wrong decission it was.. there was one bloddy hell of security all over the road.. guess what.. Stallin was coming thru that way ( supposed to be one of the top shots in tamilnadu politics) .. we would go 100meters where there r no cops and walk another 200 meters to get clear off the cops.. this is how we came all the way, till we took a diversion.. then there was no stoping us.. 3 of us, dancing on the bike...no one on the road.. damn cool.. lok droped us near his house.. me and kaka took a bus to our home.. just couple of stops ahead..
............when i reached home, no one was there.. i got the key from the opp shop.. i went inside..had dinner and i was browsing.. my mom and dad came.. i was 101% sure, my dad would screw me to hell.. but this is what happed... my dad:" yeppo vandha?" me:" 1hr aachi" dad:"2 days enjoy panniya?" me:"hm" dad:"ok" that's it.. i was like wow man.. that was easy..chill....... hmmmmm...so that brings us to the end of this post.. 2 days of absolute nonsence fun..just the way i prefer.... and before i wrap up.. a littel credits..
hemant--for being the black box.. helped me rekinddle the part of my brain that's responsible for my memories and recollect what ever happened..
nari- for asking this blogaddress and painfully reminding me that i did not post for a long time
sush(ofcousre)- for being such a pest and irritating me to the level that i actually made this post, insted of loosing it in the depth of time.. thx..