with nothing much to do, the Gang went to anna nagar park for a long amble.. we accidentally bumped into our old school mates dutta and KB.. in school, dutta was one of d hottest guys.. but now he's got big tummy and grown a couple f inches in diameter.. KB was lookin like some sales man..lolz.. full formals with a bag.. when hemanth saw him from a distance, he started to run away..i can't figure out y.. we had a nice chat.. meanwhile hemant got a "tight' 'friendly' slap from KB... hahaha.. KB's face had a smile, but his overall face expression said otherwise.. then we all went home i guess..
i can't really recollect if we had a meet up anytime soon after that.. even if we did, lets just assume we didn't cos i'm not in mood to disturb the part of my brain responsible for month old memories.. lets fast forward to 2 weeks ago. The Gang + "a-12yrs-old-looking-12th-std-guy" called Rahul went for this movie called yaavarum nalam..he's in 12th std in SBOA, but i can bet my ass, when u 1st look at him u'd probably say he's 12 or 13 yrs old.. me voo n hemant went to nari's place(in case u don't know who r voo, nari and hemant or even me in that case, chk out my previous post)... we had to wait for a long time, as uuuuuuuuusual, for nari asshole to come down.. meanwhile voo took pullayar(rahul's brother.. can't remember his name, this is wat nari calls him.. pullayar.. hahaha..he's in 4th std but sure, heavier than me.) for a ride in his bike.. eventually nari came down after what seemed to be forever!!!we all went to abirami.. donno for wat.. thing with me is, i don't really pay attention to what these guys are talking..i'll be lost in my own world. that's typical me. so where we r going, what r v gonna do, all these planning r done by voo or hema.. so i basically sit with them in the bike and go where ever they take me.. if me and nari are on the same bike, even better.. we'll be lost in words, talking abt life n philosophy n stuffs, we'll be circling the same place over and over till hema or voo calls us and we hear an angry voice over the phone which usually sounds like " dai, yennga da poi tholannjiinga..naanga innga vanndhu seendutoom".. i donno any shit abt chennai roads or places, so i'll ask nari " macha, yennga da irukkoom nammbo?? voo kathhuraan da" he'll tell me the place and i'll be like " dai naanga innga dhaan da irukkom, innum 5 mins la we'll b there".. this is wat being in the Gang is like.. ya i know, m8 sound stupid... but, we are best friends and we r out there having fun.. nothing comes close to it..
so where were we, ya abirami.. b4 entering, nari ordered special tea for all of us in a tea shop nearby.. we had tea.. then i donno y, mayb the tickets was sold out or something or the show already started,i donno wat we cud not watch the movie in abirami.. then while others waited in abirami, me and nari went to sangam to check if tickets are available.
you have permissiont to skip this part if u r not into games nall, but wat other job do u ppl have other than reading my blog.. so just shutup n read.. i'v been playing Farcry 2 for a week now.. and finally finished it.. gameplay is good, but i seriosly did not understand the story.. there are 2 groups UFLL and APR fighting against each other in africa.. u'll work for both of them.. throughout the game u keep traveling from one end f the map to the other to kill someone.. and when ur traveling some buggers will keep chasing u in a jeep with a gun.. so u'll have to stop driving and get out of the car to kill them and drive again, which is very irritating after a certain stage.. talk about graphics, Dunia engine was awesome.. check out he sceenshots..i cud play the game in 'very high' graphic settings.. i have a 2.8GHz core2duo, 2GB ram n a nvidia9800GT.. even the levels were pretty good.. ppl said AI was very bad, but i think they've done a good job with AI.. my fav thing abt the game was the daynnight cycle.. I love ubisoft, but being very honest, game is verrrrrry repetitive and hence boring.. next i think i'm gonna get my hands on crysis.. since i got my GC recently, now only i can play crysis.. so i'm gearing up for nano suite.. yoooo..
here are some screen shots from farcry 2.. pics r not clear,open in a new tab to c actual size images.. u'll thank me 4 providing some good wallpapers :D

u'll find lot of these wild life in the game. zebra, deer, n those huge buffalo sort f things u c in discovery channel.. one shot, and they'll be dead..

i don't think there's anything else i can talk abt now.. so i guess we'v reached the end of the post.. was the post boring?? cos i enjoyed a lot.. i usually prepare n make some drafts before posting.. this time i just typed it in directly.. so any spelling mistakes nall.. dont complain.. just ignore ;).. thank u for reading.. and pls comment.. :)