Adventures of D.Hemath Kumar (Trip to Poondy: Part 1)
Now this is something that happened recently. A couple of days back. I'll try to cut out the crap. vineeth, Vous and Hemanth had come over to my place. Power cut. nothing to do. We decided to go to Poondy dam. around one hour from my place. we reached there. It was all quite and lonely. Except for a slight humming of a motor, it was just 4 of us. We were standing on the bridge sort f thing and looking at water. One side of the bridge was a huge water body. A lake maybe. On the other side was a channel kind of think, through which water would flow to the nearby fields nall. From the place we were standing the water in that channel did not seem to be flowing too much. Water always fascinates Hemanth. he asked vineeth if its possible to swim there. Vineeth gave some lecture saying his friends nall take bath everyday, they jump from the bridge n some bullshit. This got Hema really fired up. He wanted to take a dip and he wanted Vineeth to accompany him. then both got down near the edge of the flowing water and removed there cloths. Just so that you know, Hemanth is sort of an athlete and the best swimmer among all 4 of us. ( i can't swim for shit though.. fuck it..).. He called me and Vous to come down an watch over his cloths. May be that was the smartest thing that he did all day. me and vous got down there. none of us were really sure about the depth. Vineeth put his legs inside till knee level and got up. Vous warned hemanth. But of course, he would not listen. So vous told him to hold his hand and gently go down the water, as such, if the water was too deep, we could pull him up. He held vous's hand. He was gently going down. I donno what got into his head, he suddenly left vous's hand and took a leap into the water. almost 2 meters away from the edge. the moment he jumped he totally went down. I got a lil scared. all of us had our gaze fixed at the point were he went down, we were waiting for him to come up again. After about 2 or 3 long seconds, he did come up. But when he did, he had his head truned away from us. so i cud not actually c his face. and he was drifting away from us. initially i thought he was swimming. But the moment he turned and tried to come towards us, holy shit!! the current was so bloddy strong, he was not able to move an inch. I saw his face and i cud clearly c he was scared to death. I'd never seen his face go like that. And that is when all of us went like " OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOOD".. i heard vous shouting "dai ava naala vara mudiila..pant yedu pant yedu"..he vineeth's pant and threw one end of the pant into the water. it was close to his hand but did not totally reach his hands. there was like a half a meter gap. all of us were shouting "pant a pudi da pant a pudi da.. ".. i cud c him stressing his every muscle. it took him like around 30 seconds to reach the pant. we pulled him to the shore. damn, if not for vous, he would have been dead.. the moment he was out of danger, all of us were in shock.but i donno y, i looked at hemanth, and all of us broke into one hell of a laughter. i cud not stop lafing at him. Hema was so scared that he was talking some random shit. oreyy dilouges. "kumbitta dheivam kai vidla.. uyir kaakum nanban na idhu dhaan.. " OMG.. it made me laf even more.. all this reminds me of a definition of a friend, that i read somewhere.. it goes like ," a friend is someone who picks you up and dusts you off and laughs his ass off".. on our way back hema told us stop at a temple. he went inside and when he came out, his forehead was full of vibuthi.. hahahahahaaaaa.... vous and me never stoped lafing after that for a while.. we finally reached my place and vineeth and hema departed to anna nagar. vara vali ellam hema was blabbering. "aiyoyo flowing water flowing water nu solluvaangaley. idhu daana adhu.. ".
It was a day that none of us would ever forget. i thought this incident will keep all of us away from poondy for the rest of our life.. or would it?? ;)
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