28 June 2008
:-?.. shall i call it a fine day..

26 June 2008
Here we go again..
this was, i'd say a rather unexpected thing..Nari called me and told he wanted to buy some shirts cos his college was reopening next day. So he wanted me to come along.. so next day i called him up and went to villivakam station to meet him. now read this aloud --AS USUAL--he came late. 30 mins late. Told he lost his wallet or something..we took ticket to central. When we boarded train he asked what was lokesh doing. I said I donno, probably he’ll be at home only.. so when we called him he was at home only.. he told he’ll come with kaka..since all 4 of us are coming, y to miss out hemant..i was low on balance and nari did not have phone..so I messaged hemant saying "fuck your classes.. come to spencer.. me kaka lok and nari r comin"..he agreed..when we reached central nari suggested that rather than waiting here in central we cud go to spencer itself..Lokesh n kaka can come there directly since they were comng in bike..so we went to spencer n roamin around. went into some shops but he did not like any shirts..he said it looks like uncle shirts..n ya he was right..so we thot, lets go to citicenter and call these fellows there..we were inside spencer when nari showed me a gal..his college mate..he started saying "ava samma cute da.. superaa irukka da..naan college la avala sight adippeen da"..this that..1st time i did not c her properly..next time i came across her, what the hell, she was jst like any other ookook lookin gal.id give her 5/10..(this mark might get some people pissed off, for THEM i'd give--7/10...) then we came out of spencer and went straight to bus stand.. neither of us knew what bus to take.. This is when an absooluuute miracle happened.. we were standing in the bus stand. Nari was about to ask a guy standing nearby. when he opened his mouth to ask "cit...." that guy pointed towards a standing bus and said "adhu citicenter ku poogum"(that'll go to citicenter).. we did not have time to think.. we ran and got into the bus.. both of us were startstruck.. how the hell did he know that we wanted to go to citicenter.. nari was saying "probably god sent him"( what the fuck)..we arrived at citicenter. we got in and spent some time walking here and there, lookin at nice chicks.. then we entered pepe, nothing was good, pantaloon, nothin good either..parx, mmmhm.. then we thot we'll go to hi-style in anna nagar ( lokesh wod screw us).. we thot we'll wa8ing 4 lokesh and kaka. we were standing in 1st floor, overlookin the main enterance.. i told nari "dai, ippo citicenter ku contrast aa kaka ulla vara pooraan paaru da"..it was a matter of few minutes when both of them entered. kaka and lokesh. oh my goooshhhh...this was kaka's constume red and white pattapatti tshirt, daaaark green cargos..damn hell..nari and me started lafing.. kaka and nari were teasing each other..lokesh and kaka came in bike, so they'd come to anna nagar in bike itslef.. me and nari did not have a vehicle.. his '2 wheel thing' was parked in villivakam station. so we took 27D and came to villivakam. from there we went in his thing to hi style..trust me, he did not buy anything there also.. we were inside hi-style when lokesh, kaka and hemant entered..donno where hemant joined in.. we created a hell of a mess there.. next stop was Lee..our walk to the Lee was damn funny. we had to cross a road. signal was about to go green in few seconds. so the road was sort of empty. u can imagine ri8.. kaka, lokesh and nari were walking together. lokesh and kaka crossed the road properly. nari did not know which side to go, hehe.. he was practically running all over the road..damnnnnn funny.. hemant was pissed off " kaalai la irunndhu suthikitu irrukaan, orru dress kuuda vaangala, saavu graaki" and even me.. so we did not go inside the shop. me and hemant were wa8ing outside when this trio went inside.. aaaaand..he did not buy anything there either.. lokesh and nari came out lafing.. we asked what happed... lokesh told kaka was dancing inside the shop for ketchup song...hahahahahahahaha...hemant asked "enna da, kadaila irunndhu kaluthha pidichi thalli vittangalaa??"...we started walking from there.. Lokesh actually had his bike parked somewhere else.. so he and kaka went to get his bike. me, nari and hemant went to the place where nari's vehicle was parked. we were standing there for few minutes waiting for lokesh and kaka, but they did not show up.. Nari suddenly said " dai, nethu oru kadaila oru shirt paatheen da.. ippo adhu dhaan vaanga pooreen.. decide pannitane da".. he did not bring his wallet so all his money was in my wallet.. b4 leaving he took my wallet with all the money and sliped away.. now me and hemant were standing all alone in the road.. no sign of kaka and lokesh.. he was talking about his crush nall and suddenly he told " dai, enna nanachiktu irukka ava..irru da call pannidreen. avanga amma yeduthha kooda, nalla kedutuveen..unga ponnu ku manasayy illaya..yevlo sincereaa love panreen, ava purinjikavee maatingiraa.." then he called her and started his melodrama..i even recorded what he was speaking. i dont mind putting it here for every1, but probably he'd smash me.. then he called one of his friend Dinesh to come pick him up.. we called lokesh and asked where the hell he was..and guess what, they were on their way home.. some time later dinesh came along with satish.. we were standing in front of hi-style, when i spoted nari somewhere crossing us.. i waved to him..he had bot some shirts and the most frustration part is, the shirts that he bot was the same sort of shirts that we saw all day long in spencer, citicenter, hi-style.. and after a little 'hi how u' btwn nari, dinesh n satish, me n nari were on our way to vilivakam and hemant n his friends on their apache..he dropped me in station and i made it to my home..safe and sound..
25 June 2008
another chillout..
21st june (im not sure)
>Lokesh called me n told that we r going out the next day.. morning itself we'll leave..
>that night me, arvind and hemant were in confrence..hemant planned to bunk the coll next day so he cud freak out with us. he told he'll leave his house by 6.30 ro 7 as if going to collg, but he'll w8 for us in station.. he asked me to come to station by 7 ro 7.30.
22nd june (not sure abt this either)
>next day i went to carrige station at 8. then Lokesh n kaka came by 10.30 or something..then this nari kutti showd up.. but the best part here is that hemant was wa8ing in the station for 4 hours..and me 2nhalf hrs..
>as usuall, we did not have any plans.. lokesh as usual asked yenga

> only me and nari were happy about going to citicenter..( u know 4 wat :-P )..
>after some time we left citicenter and went to some biriyani shop for lunch..nari did not eat anything. guess why.. he was learning some psychic stuffs n eating non veg reduces his powers..( this, or he gave some explination that my brain interpreted this way..what ever..)
> then we went to beach..lokesh called up his ex and hemant was kalasifying her.. kaka and nari practically got into fight ( not the dishum dishum fight u c in movies).. pouring water on each other..
> while walking out of beach we saw that thing..i donno what its called..that plastic robot lit with LEDs and u put a headphone and it tells your future..( can things get more dumb??)..i did not do it cos it spoke in an old fasioned tamil that i dont understand..( It sounded more like an all india radio weather report)
> then we went to a kili josiyam guy.. probably this was the best thing that happened that day..so lemme elaburate.. 1st guy..lokesh..kili guy asked his name.. he had 2 cages attatched.. one had the parrot and there was a quater whiskey bottle in the other..he opened the cage having the bottle.. hemanth quiped "anna, quater a theranndhu vitta yeppadi na josiyam sollum?"( *uck the translation)..the killi gave some card having some god..that guy saw that and started talking like some sage in a tamil that i did not seem to understand much..2nd guy..nari.. same thing..killi
>then we made our way to BCL..they gave a visitors pass when we entered. kaka tok the pass and went straight to exit..hahaha..even the security started lafing at him.then..anga konjam neeram timepass..kaka was stealing tissue papers from toilet.. lolz..hemant once told kaka " dai, unna thuni ooda koluthiduveen da.. yerinji poona ponathha thirumba koluthuna mudhal aal naanaa dhaan iruppen. nee yeedhaavadu katchi la seendhu thee kulikireen nu sonna, ellarum solluvaanga..ne already thee kulicita paa, ne veetuku poo"( i'll burn u with with your cloths..i'll b da 1st person to burn an already burnt corpse.. if u join a political party and say i'm gonna burn myself alive, every1'll say, ur already burnt, go home)..
>then we took an auto to central.then bak to home.. kahaani khatham..
18 June 2008
ouija board
Hi ppl. hows it goin. i'v been sick for a couple of days, so no outings, no hangin arounds for a few days..so nothing much happened..so i thot let me take u ppl back in time..ahhhh...timeeee….time when i had a fountain of wine in my porch, when butterflies used to whirl in circles, when i used to go to sleep counting stars over my head, when beautiful girls used to kiss my cheeks and when i used to wake up to find.....my stupid room mate's underpants hanging in front of my bed..yup yup...u got it ri8..these were my days in hostel.. i cud go on posting things abt my life in hostel..cos it was sooooo much fun..every day was special and amazing..
ok...so lemme tell u abt this day when we thot of trying that..what is it called??? ouija board or some crap.. In hostel, we guys had dinner slot of 7pm to 8pm..and gals go after that..this way, the hostel warden used to make sure that the guys and gals did not meet each other.. so mostly we guys will be in our rooms by 8pm..So how did it all began?? thank me.. me, ashish(classmate, roommate), subodh (next room), karun(senior), kzhitiz(senior), and some junior fellows(prashant, chootu) were sitting in TV room and gossiping..thats when i started this topic of ghost spirits n crap..and we went on talking abt it till 11..then kzhtiz asked if i can make an ouija board..i thot for a second feeling like Robert Lagdon for some reason and then i agreed..he asked what nall do we need..i said ouija board, then probably some candles(to give a little spooky feel to the room) then..i thot some more and i said we need a coin..as soon as i finished my list, every one rushed out..all my seniors, juniors everyone..as if some sort of 'US-army-operation-red-dawn-go!go!go!!'...after some time everyone returned with their share of contribution.. candles, check..ouija board, check (some one made it)...coin, check.. ok..now the fun part begins. we turned off the lights, placed the board in the middle of the bed..and lit the candles.. the room was filled only by the candle light..giving it a very scary spooky look..the small kids started their much expected dialouge "bhaiya, neendh aarai hai..mei jaa raha hoo..aap loog kheeliye"( i'm feeling sleepy..im leaving..u ppl play this game)..all the small kids slipped out of the room..i thought these people were really gonno do it.so i was ready for it..even karun was with us until lights went off..hahaha..he actually ran to his room when we turned off the lights..(funny guy, very fat fellow, but looks cool)..then after sometime he came back saying "machaaa..friend solren keelu..velyaatu villangama mudiyum..machaa..pls pannadhiinga da.."(dude, listen to me, you'll end up in lot of trouble, pls..don't do it guys)..kzhitiz got pissed off..he told.."bloody you dont have balls, jst shut the fk up and get lost"...alright, now the stage was set and there were only four brave warriors in the game..me, ashish, subodh and kzhitz..this is when things started turning incredbly funny.. someone asked, whats next (as if im the ouija expert). I said " coin pay sab ungli rakkho aur kisi marey huay ko yaadh karo..agar sab kutch sahi hua, tho coin idhar udhar guumney lagayga"(we need to place our fingers on the coin and summon the spirit of anyone dead..if everythng goes right,the coin should start moving..).. but first we wanted to decide whom shall we call.. Abraham Lincoln, Einstine, Gandhiji, etc were some of the suggestions..u wont believe, ashish even said Jyothika..subodh kicked him saying “ Bhosadikay, jyothika zindha cho”( moron, jyothika is alive)..i don’t really remember who was our finalist but we had a final name…now this is cool..it was time to place our fingers on the board…and guess what..no one actually had the guts to do it..hahahahaha..it was damn funny..we were telling each other..” thu rakh..pehle thu rakh”(u keep..no u keep)…then after a while gazing into eachother’s faces for a while kzhitiz finally told “ chal saalay..koi karney waala nahi hai..chal baaki loogo ko darathey hai”( fine, no one’s going to do this.. lets scare the others).. so this was plan B.. scaring the others..
this is how we decided to make it work. We’ll all scream and lie down as if something happened and we’r all dead. They’ll come c what happened..so we did the same but to our surprise no one came to chk on us.. we thot they must have gone to sleep or something..lets get into their rooms and c..but lets not take any chances..so we did is..walk into the room like we r possessed ( u know..no eye blinks, no hand movement..the way u c ghosts walking in horror movies)..and when we entered the room..daaaaamn.. I would have laughed my guts out but I don’t know how I controlled my laughter..guess what was happening.. karun and prashant were sitting together in one bed, holding eachother tightly with a bible in their hand..hahaahaha..parshant was saying to karun “anna, avangalukku ennamo aaidchi anna”( I think something happed to them)..for that this was karun’s reply “ nammba kitta bible irukku da..yaarum onnu panna mudiyaadhu da..ne dhairiyama irru da”( we have the bible..no onecan do anything to us..don’t be afraid)..but he was shaking himself..i thot we were supposed to back off, but this kzhitiz went and snatched the bible out his hands..subodh went and turned off the lights..i was like, what the fuck…kzhitz started shaking their bed violently..subodh started howling like a wolf ( donno what he was thinking..he sounded less scary and more like a jackass).. when all this was happening, karun and prashant stared screaming ( read crying)… that’s it man..i cud;nt control..i fell on the floor and started lafing like hell.. someone turned on the lights.. karun’s face was pale..started scolding us with all the bad words on earth..dammmmnn… we scared the shit out of them..
13 June 2008
Coffee Day Gallata !!
Gowtham and His "so-called-girlfriend"
(Names changed on request)
Story starts when 4 of us ( Me, Hemanth, Gowtham, and Lokesh) went to abirami. .Gowtham already told us that he had to go to meet this girl in coffee day..i'm not sure who was giving treat to whom. anyway, moving on, this guy told he HAS to go..he did not know the proper route, so that gal was supposed to tell him the route over phone..Apparently that day was a bandh..Hemanth asked "dai, innaiki bandh illa? coffee day mattum yeppadi da tharandirukkom?"( hey, today is bandh right? how'll coffee day be open?" thats when we all realized it.. then what, CCD plan postponed to the next.. And now the real story starts
PROLOUGE: Gowtham was all dressed up and was leaving for the big treat the next day..thats when his cousin asked him "Yenga da kalakkalaa dress pannikitu pora? yedho ponna paaka dhanaa??"( you've dressed up so well, where are you going? to meet some girl right??)..he replied "vara enna irukka poodhu" (what else could it be)..and he leaves his home
This guy called up Nivi( the gal whom he was supposed to meet) and asked her for directions ..she told even she's not sure with the route and that her cousin will tell him the way.. her cousin started telling the route. He started to mention certain landmarks that gowtham did not know..he told "i'm not sure with these places"(or something like that)..for that, nivi told ( in the background) that gowtham is a dumb ass ;-)... now this really pissed him off..but somehow he reached coffee day and she was there too..they both went inside and this guy still in his angry mood, did not speak a word. She went oooooon talking talking talking talking for like half n hour. Then suddenly this happens...she starts crying, because this guy is not speaking to her.. and that too not just tears, she started crying loudly..hahahaahaa..gowtham got freaked out..every one out there started looking at gowtham in a suspicious way..he stared begging her "please dont cry..i beg u..pls pls pls...stop it.."..then she stopped crying..she asked why he was not speaking to her..then he told her the thing why he was angry..( i guess she'd probably had felt like...what the f**k is this guy..)..then they both started talking..***a little private conversation ;-)***..then they both stood up and left the shop. They went to the parking lot and the closing ceremony was on, when a huge guy pops in from somewhere and started shouting at gowtham "ungalukku ellam arivey illaya? bla bla bla.."( dont u people have any brains..)..he was wondering why is he shouting at him..then he said tata bye bye nall and that gal left.. after the girl left, the huge guy came up to nari...now check out the conversation that went on something like this..
huge guy: yaar da adhu..un girlfried aa?? ( who was that, your girlfriend?)
gowtham: Adu ellam naan unga kitta yen sollanum( why should i tell u that)
huge guy: dai, yen area ku vandhutu en kittaye ippadi paysriyaa?? thuukidven da unna..( you come to my trough and you speak this way to me?? i'll kill u..)
huge guy: ava number kudu..( give me her number)
gowtham: number ellam kudukka mudiyaadhu(i can't give her number and all)
that guy got pissed off and dragged gowtham into the shop again..they both sat together..then,
huge guy: yenna baindhutiyaa? (got scared??)
gowtham: aaaa..aama anna (aaaa...yeah)
huge guy: sollu, yedhavadhu saapadriya (tell me, u wanna have something?)
gowtham: illa venda..already full..( no thanks..im already filled)
huge guy: ippo sollu.. ava enna girlfriend aa??( tell me now..is she your girlfriend?)
gowtham: cha cha..summa classmate dhaan..(no no..she's just my classmate..)
huge guy: poi solladha..( don't lie)
gowtham: nejamma anna..friend dhaan..( really she's just my friend)
huge guy: appadiya..( is it so..)
gowtham: seri, yeen parking lot la appadi kathaaninga..( why did u shout in the parking lot?)
huge guy: illa, nee oru periya ponna correct pannra nu nanaichan.. naanum single aa, adhudhaan gannd aaiten...( no, i thot ur flirting with an older chick, and moreover i'm a single..thats y got pissed off..)
gowtham: anna.. ava yenna vida chinna ponnu anna..( bro, she's younger than me)
huge guy: seri...un college ponnunga number kudu..( ok fine, give me some of your college chick's numbers)
gowtham: yenna veenumnaalum keelunga, aana number mattum kaykaadhiinga( ask anything, but not the numbers)
but after a while he gave some slut's number and said.."indha ponnu kitta oru mani neeram paaysnaa yenna venaalum panlaam..yen friend phone panni oru mani ku propose pannan, ava muunu mani ku accept apnnita.."( if u talk to this girl for an hour, you can do anything..my friend called her and proposed her at 1'o clock and she accepted at 3'o clock..)..And then when he was about to leave, huge guy told " mavanay, inda number mattum correctaa illa..indha area dhanaa nee, sketch pootu thuukidra unna" (bloddy if this number is'nt correct, u belong to this area only right, i'll take you out).. gowtham: "correctaa dhaan irukkum annaa"..( number is correct only)..then he left, probably twisting his vehicle's accel to its fullest..
EPILOGUE: then when he reached home this is what happened,
mom: yaarada paathutu vara (whom did u meet)
gowtham:freind birthday ma..treat ku ( friend's birthday..went for his treat)
mom: kuduthaa naanoor ruuba viyum karachituya..enna da panna( you spent the whole 400 bucks i gave, what did u do with it?)
gowtham: selav panniten ( i spent it)
mom: dai, yedho ponna dhana paaka poona..Renu ellam sollita da.. ( hey, went to meet some girl right? renu told me everything)(renu is his cousin by the way)..
gowtham is now freaked out..
mom: dai, yenna da panna andhu ponna?? ( what did u do to that girl )
gowtham: andhu ellam keekaadha maa..( don't ask all that mom..)
then he asked renu "hey loose, yen di ellam sollna" (hey stupid, why did you tell my mom)..
renu: "naan yedhu may sollala da..unga amma vey ellam pootu vaangitaanga "( i did not tell her anything..she trapped you..)
i guess he felt like a jack ass..
10 June 2008
Marina Marina!!!
Marina beach is definitely one of the must visit places in chennai..it used to be our usual place till this summer started..we did not want to get roasted and hence, quit going there.. after a long time me and hemant decided to pay a visit.. and wat a welcome we got..it was all cloudy and romantic..(too bad it was only 2 of us..r*** and c***** were not with us.. :-(...)..we were sitting and talking abt his life when it suddenly started drizzling..we decided to go to the rocks (rocks is some sort of bridge like thing that goes a bit into the water..its something like..^^^^^^~~~~~)...when we were walking toward the rock, it started raining heavily.. every one started running away from the shore (hey, its jst a rain..not a tsunami!! dumb ppl) still we were on our way and made it to the rocks..a great view.worth the long walk..wet in the rain..it was a whole lot of fun..
07 June 2008
da fabulous 4!!!
Another day, another sunrise and another dozen crazy things to do.. i donno y. every time 4 of us, me, Hemant, Gowtham(read nari) and lokesh meet up, something damn funny happens.. so, this fine day, we decided to meet and me n lok went to gowtham's place.. he told he'll be down in 2 mins. we knew his 2 minutes is equal to 20 mins..so me n lok went for a short ride in his activa and by the time we were back, gowtham was ready and hemant also reached the near by busstand. the 4 of us then went to>>> ABIRAMI MEGA MALL..LALALALAAA... ok fine...its not as good as im making it sound like..its jst a close by place were we get to chill out.. now the fun part begins, all 4 of us were standing in the first floor, near the statue(for those who have been to abirami), and our vantage point was such that we cud c inside the lift(i dont feel like calling it an elevator).. we were gossiping when a gang of 5 gals and a guy went past us...two of the gals were sort of..okok kind..rest were a piece of s**t. and one perticular gal was something like buffalo-converted-to-human female..and this fat gal was all the time staring at gowtham..damn funny..he got pissed off..he started saying "dai, andha gunndu ponnu yennaye paakra da" (dude,the fat gal is staring at me)..that gang of gals went around the statue and were standing next to the lift.. exactly in front of us..Hemant turned around and gave a peek... now the whole bunch was staring at us.. god damn it...and suddenly i found gowtham practically running away from us..i thot what the heck is wrong with this guy..thats when i heard a deep voice behind me..that was the guy with those gals..he had a deadly body.. though not like a pro wrestler, he had the potential to break a dozen bones in one go..he started saying "excuse me, andha ponnunga unga naal paeriyu sight adikkarannga. neenga naal peerum rommbo smartaa irukkingalaam" (excuse me, those gals are ogling at 4 of u..they think 4 of u look smart).. he said this and pointed towards the group..all the gals ran away and went inside the lift..(what a dumb thing to do..lift is anyway transparent. wats the point in hiding into it).. hemant told "avangala yenga kittaye vandhu solla sollunga" (tell them to talk to us directly)..then that guy left..that group was sitting in ground floor.. Now Hemant was desperate to talk to those gals. Lokesh was getting bores so even he suggested the same. gowtham was like, no way im gonna talk to them..i had no clear opinion and thot i'll stick to the majority..so we all went to the ground floor. Gowtham was standing behind the pillar and i was giving him company, while hemant and lokesh went to talk to them.. both of them came back laughing..lokesh said "dai long hair. un kitta dhaan paysanumaam" (long hair. they wanna talk to YOU)...and by the way gowtham has long hair comparatively to the rest of us.... he was NOT ready to go..then he dragged me along with him..he went there..i cud see the gals giggling...this guy was damn funny..his body language like a break dancer...he went and stood in front of them and did not even look at them..moving his hands frantically to cover his face..mouth and what not..i knew he was not gonna speak..so i asked the gang.."who wanted to talk to him?"..all the gals said in chorus, pointing towards that fat gal i mentioned( i forgot what i called her) and said "THIS GAL!!!"... i was like...woooow....gowthams face at that point was worth a click..damn funny..we were walking back the hemant and lok..gowtham's face was tomato red and i was laughing my guts out..when all this was happening, i was staring at the 2 okok gals in the herd.. ;-) never mind never mind...
when we were exiting the mall, gowhtam was saying "dai, indha maadhri onnu nadakkavey illa..sayriyaa..??yaar kittayum sollidaadhinga da.."(dude, nothing happened in there ok?? pls don't tell anyone)...
FOR HIM--sry bro..i cud'nt control my fingers..
06 June 2008
Phfuuu...finally my exams are over.. and guess what, i got the easiest program of all for the practicals today.. man, god loves me.. went over to hemanth's place (he's one of my closest pal)..we went to the British Council Library..hahahah..u know wat.. most of the people here think, BCL is a place for the geeks..but very few know its a nice cozy place to chill out.. u'll find people sleeping in there..me and him had a nice time there..wow..what a way to spend a day...
NOTE: The above thing is just a cover story of what exactly happened. Something I don't feel like putting up here..If not completely, part of the story is not true..