Actually the day did not start in a fine day as u may expect..last ni8 i slept at 3..dont ask what was i doing..definitely not something useful. this is usual time for me to go to bed.. so i did and i normally wake up at 11 or 12...during this holidays i forgot that something called 6am exists..( and even 7am, 8am and 9am in that case.) today i woke up at..6am..obviously, i did not wake dad woke me dad n mom were dressed up and ready to leave somewhere..when i asked whats goin on, he told he's going to grandpa's house (an hour's drive from my home)...he told me to come there when ever i wake up..but he needed me to be there b4 12noon.. i dug my face back into the pillow and off to my dreamland again.. i dont remember when i woke up..but i did nonetheless. i thot of making myself something for breakfast. but when i enterd the kitchen, the thought jst sliped out of my..i donno y. in an hour i was ready and i was on my way.. ( i had bread and jam bythe way..).. u know what, i donno for some reason i feel romantic when i walk through that 18th of the most beautiful, my grandpa's home is not do i tell you what i go through when im at my garndpa's house.. one of my aunt stays in the neighbourhood.. actually they share a common fencing.. she has 2 kids..they keep getting behind my god damn a** all the time.. i'm not supposed to go outside without someone's permission.. i'm totally forbidden from watching channels like VH1, ss music n sort..(dont ask y..u'd puke if i tell u)..anyway, back to the day's story, i was supposed to go back home that evening with my mom.. there was no way i cud stay there till evening..i had to i had lunch and i slipped out.. AT LAST..back on the romantic boulevard and off to railway station..this is where my day actually i HAVE to mention this.. i was standing on the bridge connecting the two platforms..a couple were standing at the other end of the bridge.. at was looking at them from the corner of my eyes..damn it..they stated kissing each broad daylight and in public..i was hoping a cop wod pop in from somewhere.. as hemant calls it naai kaadhal naai kaadhal..leaving that aside, where did i go??? straight to hemath's place..i had already called him and told i'll be coming.. planned to go to BCL.. i reached his place and i was about to enter his house, when i heard dinesh calling me.. we was stading on the road with a book 'Steven Gerrard: Autobiography'.. i remember hemant telling me that he issued the book for dinesh.. we were waiting for him for few minutes and he came down.. damn..he was all dressed up like a..whatever..he had a bag on his back.. thaaaats when it hit me.. he joined NIIT classes..he had his classes starting today at 5.. it was 2.30 or 3 i guess when we took a bus.. now chk this out..i never go behind a figure of speech and literally, i never do.. but hemant does and he took me along with him and believe me, i feel lucky that i'm alive and typing this post. i'll come to that in a moment.. we took bus as i told and we got place to sit. we were talking some crap when a gal came inside.. she was standing right besides where i was sitting..i was facing hemant so i could not see her.. hemant pointed her out to me.. i turned and gave her a glance. she was sort of we went on, bus got more and more crowded and we could not see her.. eventually i forgot abt her.. now when we were about to get down, we saw her standing near the doors.. hemant said.. dai, andha cutie pie innum irukka da. inga dhaan yaranga poora nu nanaikireen.. to told probably she'll come to BCL only.. luckyly for him, she got down with us and she started walking on the pavement.. hemant wanted to follow her and was urging me to keep up.. at a point i bent down to tie my lace..he was furious..seekirum da seekirum da.. we were on our hot persuite when the signal turned to red and the vehicles started to slow down.. she suddenly crossed the road and went to the other side of the road near the road divider.. all the vehicles were rushing past her.. i was like, no way i'm gonna walk that side..hemant moron cought my hands and before i cud think anything, i found myself walking few yards behind cutie pie and hemant few steps behind me.. ( take a look at the image)..i was trying my best to stay as close the the divider as possible cos i did not want to be runover by a truck or somethng.. all autos, bikes were zooming past us within an inch's heart was pummmping..i turned to take a look at hemant..hahahaha.. he was still be behind me.. his face was damnnn funny.. he had that crying look on his face, still managing a smile..."dai, sathhyama yedhaavadhu idikka poodhu da..bayamma irukku da...aiiyoyoyoyo"...hahahahah..i cud not make up my mind if i shud laf or cry with him..cos
he was right and i was as close to death as he was..i increased my speed..i wanted to reach the zeebra crossing up ahead as soon as possible..i was relived when i got there alive.. when i turned to look for hemant he was gone. he was not there.. then i saw him.. he already crossed the road and was standing on the pavement.. i crossed the road and got to him.. that cuite pie ( grrrr...) still in front of us..hemant was sooooo happy when she went inside BCL.. he was asking me.. "dai, ava kitta pooi peesidava???..hi sollidren da.."..I said do what ever u want..we went inside and hemant was all excited.. we took some books and we sat down.. we were watching her all the time.. but after some time, she left the place.. hemant was like "yenga da ava..yenga da ava..".. i told the birdie has flown was 4.30 i think when hemant left BCL.. he had his first NIIT class, which in no way he was gonna miss.. i was supposed to wait for him in BCL till 7.. his class was from 5 to 7.. but he messaged me at 6 itself saying his classes were over and he was coming back.. he came back by 6.20 or so..then we wanted to check my blog..and after some time..we were on our way back.. we came to perambur..form there..he went to his oodu (as he says)..i came to my oodu

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